Saturday, January 15, 2005

A Day Inside

I had today off from the cafe and so did Matt, so we were going to go hiking this morning. I woke up so that I could get ready and looked outside to find it raining, again. I think I prefer snow to rain anyday. Check with me again in February and I might have a different answer. Anyway, we were trying to decide what else we could do today. I ended up going out with Lori and Abigail to a few stores. I bought some canvas and some paint brushes so that I could paint since there wasn't much I could do outside. I spent the afternoon painting with oil paints and loved it. It was my first time trying something like this.

This evening Matt and Lori went out on a date and I got to babysit. Isa was already in bed when Matt and Lori left so all I had to do was get Abigail ready and read to her and she went to bed. I headed downstairs to watch Bourne Identity when I heard Isa crying. I went to try and calm her down but she would not. She did not want to go back to sleep. I didn't want to take her out of her room because she was supposed to be sleeping. Finally after rocking her and holding her standing up and even leaving her in the crib to cry for a while, I took her downstairs and held her while I watched the movie. After about 10-15 minutes she fell back asleep and I put her to bed. Then after I was into the movie I heard more crying. This time it was Abigail. I went to check on her and she stopped crying. She heard me and I asked her if she was o.k. She said she was and went back to sleep. I went and finished the rest of the movie. It's a little freeky but good.

I'm off to bed because tomorrow is a big day. I am going to a church in La Caruna and then a soccer game afterwards. It's just me and the guys. Should be fun.


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